Drug Rehab Therapy : The Advantage to One-on-One
A more personal approach to treating alcohol and drug addiction
One-on-One Drug Rehab Therapy Addiction to alcohol and drugs can be the result of a number of things. Whether it is psychological or sociological means, or just the result of bad decisions in life, a number of factors can build into an uncontrolled addiction problem. Now there are a number of methods and treatments that go into bringing an end to addictive practices. It seems however, the more personalized the treatment, the more effective the result. Many of the leading alcohol and drug rehab programs offer personalized one-on-one therapy. A one-on-one approach between alcoholic/addict and a licensed therapist can address the underlying emotional, psychological, and behavioral issues that fuel addiction.
There are a number of underlying things that can be at the heart of addiction. The use of alcohol and drugs can simply be a cover up of more deeply seeded emotional problems. These problems can be the result of traumatic experiences in life. Things like abuse, personal tragedy, and a dysfunctional home can be emotional issues that cause a deeply seeded hurting. A person can turn to drugs and alcohol to self medicate away this hurting. The sensation of numbness can greatly desired over the feelings of these emotional issues. The result is usually an addiction, and not a solution for these emotional things. In drug rehab, one-on-one therapy is a welcome release for these traumatic elements that have left alcoholic/addict emotionally scarred.
Not all underlying problems are traumatic experiences. Some are actually caused by psychological things. Psychiatric disorders like depression can prime the central nervous system (CNS) for addiction problems. The delicate chemical structure of the CNS is already altered by the imbalances of psychiatric disorder. When alcohol or drugs is introduced, it almost is like the high is amplified by this imbalance. Drugs and alcohol become an obsession, because it comes a way to do away with the struggles of the disorder. Dual diagnosis drug rehabs offer a one-on-one therapy to treat not only the addiction, but the clinical disorder as well. This provides very much a solution to both problems in a personal therapeutic setting.
Finally, a one-on-one therapy can help in addressing addiction problems caused by behavioral means. Many times, alcohol and drug addiction can be a result of behavioral things or social environment. Behavioral therapies take an in depth look at the social elements that fuel the addiction. In this therapy, developing behavioral strategies against the social environment is imperative. This therapy addresses the triggers that can compel the impulse of addiction. A "trigger" can be anything. It can be people, places and situations that spark the impulse to use. The individual in drug rehab can benefit from behavioral one-on-one therapy to develop coping strategies against these triggers.
There is an effective advantage to one-on-one therapy. It is personalized. The therapist is working solely with the alcoholic/addict. In other situations you are looking at a large group environment for alcohol and drug rehab. A one-on-one element to the addiction treatment program can help the addict come to terms with the aspects of addiction that are beneath the surface. This article was provided by Cirque Lodge, a private drug and alcohol treatment center in the mountains of Sundance Utah. Treatment at Cirque Lodge is personalized for the best results with an effective attention to one-on-one recovery therapy.