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Getting Over Your Morphine Addiction  

What is Morphine?

Morphine is typically prescribed to patients for pain relief, it is one of the best drugs available to relieve severe pain and is considered as the yardstick against which new pain relief drugs are tested. Morphine is a narcotic, and has increased substantially during recent years. There are now many more morphine based products available on the market.

Morphine is available under different brand names in each country, in the US Morphine drugs are sold under the following brand names:
- Roxanol
- Kadian
- Oramorph SR

Morphine can also be used to sedate patients before operations, instead of anesthetic and as a pain killer. This is one of the most widely used pain relief drugs for severe pain.

How is Morphine taken?

Morphine can be purchased in a number of different forms, including:

- Tablets and Capsules
- Suppositories
- Injections
- Oral Solutions

All of these forms of morphine are equally as addictive, it is actually very easy to get addicted to something like morphine. You can also get high concentration morphine products, some as high as 25mg injections which can be used to treat pain in patients which are tolerant to opiates.

What is Morphine Addiction?

A person can quite easily become addicted to morphine as a result of abusing it. Morphine is created from opium, it is a more refined drug and so it more powerful. This drug can be purchased in a number of different concentrations, from 4% up to 21%. Opium typically only has 10% morphine content, so you can see how powerful morphine is. In the United states very little opium is actually used in its raw form, only around 15 tons is used like this. The remaining 120 tons is processed into morphine and other similar products.

Morphine creates a sense of euphoria which is why it’s so addictive. It targets the reward centres of the brain which can make taking this drug to be very pleasurable. Your body will get used to morphine being in your system and so you might crave it if you stop using it. People suffering from Morphine Addiction will do almost anything to get the morphine that their body craves. Your body will start to build up a resistance to morphine which as in Opium Addiction will mean you have to take higher and higher doses to get the same feeling.

Morphine creates a state of euphonium which can lead to an addiction. It relieves pain, but it can also affect the mental and physical performance of the person. Morphine actually reduces anxiety and fear, and is well known to increase sex drive. Morphine can also affect a woman’s menstrual cycle, cause constipation and prevent someone being ale to cough. There are many reasons why people should not take morphine, however there are still many people that are addicted to it.

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